Lechuza Self Watering Planters - Sub-Irrigation Systems & Planting

Posted by kipogeorgiki 07/01/2023 0 Comment(s) Articles,

Lechuza Self Watering Planters - Sub-Irrigation Systems & Planting


Λευκές Γλάστρες Lechuza σε Σύνθεση


The Lechuza self watering planters are characterized by their inventive designs, their durability and their "smart" sub-irrigation systems. Their name is of Spanish origin and means "owl" - the symbol of wisdom. The company's first self-watering planters were designed in 1998 and launched on the market in 2000.

Since 2007 they have won international awards every year, including the most important industrial design award Red Dot Design.

Their durability is unmatched. Even if they fall, they are not going to break because of the strong plastic they are made of. Their colors remain unchanged for many years, because they have high-quality paint, ceramic or metallic, with a very high resistance to harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. In addition, all Lechuza self-watering planters are unaffected by frost, snow and low temperatures. And of course, they have self-watering systems, which in many ways justify their designation as "smart" pots and planters.

On top of that, it is no coincidence that, at least in Germany, one out of three planters in offices and business premises is Lechuza.



Lechuza Irrigation Systems


Συστήματα Αυτοποτισμού με ΔεξαμενήΗ Κίνηση του Νερού στις Αυτοποτιζόμενες Γλάστρες



Lechuza self-watering planters are offered with two watering systems: the classic, with the water tank (reservoir), and the one with the wick method. Both systems are extremely efficient in managing the precious natural resource, water. And still:

  • They provide water to plants whenever they need it

  • They facilitate the plant lover and the gardener by requiring significantly less effort to irrigate garden and indoor plants, which are planted in Lechuza pots and planters

  • They relieve plant lovers from the worry of watering their plants when they are going to be away for a long time from home or business, where the Lechuza planters are placed

  • Especially in offices, shops and other professional spaces, they give the opportunity even to those who do not know much about the maintenance of plant species, to have the ornamental plants in the best condition with minimal care




Plants, Water & Irrigation


Σύστημα Αυτοποτισμού με Φυτίλι σε Γλαστράκια Φυτωρίου


For the proper growth and maintenance of plants, the necessary prerequisites - among others - include:

  • Their adequate lighting, corresponding to the requirements of each plant species

  • The seamless supply to them of the necessary nutrients (macronutrients and micronutrients)

  • Excellent air circulation in the planting medium and in the root area

  • Root access to water

The last condition, since we are referring to plants, mainly potted, is satisfied by watering. Of course, watering potted plants is a task that needs to be repeated with greater or lesser frequency, which means that the plant lover must always keep this in mind - even during holidays.

In addition, for the amateur gardener - but sometimes also for the experienced one - the chances of over watering and/or conversely under watering are great: in the first case the plant may rot, while in the second case it may dry out.

In all these issues, Lechuza's self-watering systems offer the best solution for the hobbyist, the plant lover, the gardener and their plants.



What Lechuza Sub-Irrigation Systems Offer


Παροχή Ύδατος Μέσω του Στομίου


Having studied in depth the function of water uptake by plants in nature, the people of Lechuza artificially created the optimal irrigation mechanism for plant species growing in pots or planters.

How was such a thing accomplished? Simply, by simulating the natural environment in the rhizosphere of potted plants. Thus they were able to provide a reliable means of support and growth, which is none other than the Lechuza-Pon substrate.

Lechuza-Pon contributes to plants in two ways:

1. On the one hand, through this, the necessary nutrients are delivered to the roots

2. And on the other hand, it can and does regulate the water supply in an optimal way

In this process it facilitates the plants to:

  • To receive the exact amount of water they need

  • To absorb the water at the time they need it

The consequence of the above is that the irrigation of pot plants and planters should be done with the least possible effort and frequency by the amateur or experienced gardener, providing essentially significantly less "trouble" for plant care and more free time. At the same time, it offers the plants themselves the optimal micro-environment for their uninterrupted growth, and/or for their maximum flowering.



The Parts of the Self-Watering System with a Reservoir


Συστήματος Αυτοποτισμού με Δεξαμενή


The original Lechuza self-watering system by water tank consists of five parts, which are:

  • The water level indicator

  • The water supply shaft

  • The reservoir

  • The overflow screw

  • The planting substrate Lechuza-Pon

Each part performs a different function, for this reason detailed information about each one is given immediately below.


Water Level Indicator

The water level indicator protrudes from the plant pot and has two marks, "min" and "max". Through them, the interested party can be informed whether watering should be carried out or not. At the "max" mark, watering is not necessary, while, on the contrary, at the "min" mark, it is required - most of the time - to be carried out.


Water Supply Shaft

Through the supply shaft, water and liquid fertilizer are supplied to the reservoir without difficulty.



The water tank is the gathering place for irrigation water and fertilizer. The LECHUZA water tank holds up to 26.5 liters, which is enough to cover the needs of the plants for 2 to 12 weeks, depending on the size of the plant, species and the area where the planter is placed.


Overflow Screw

The overflow screw or, in some models, the screws make each corresponding pot or planter a cachepot at the same time. Thus the option of placing most of them both indoors and outdoors is provided.

In the latter, when the plant containers are fully exposed to the weather conditions, it is necessary to simply rotate the screws outwards. When they are rotated, thanks to the overflow, they ensure the maintenance of the appropriate amount of water in the tank and the protection of the plants from excess water when it rains.


The Lechuza-Pon Planting Substrate

The Lechuza-Pon planting medium consists of pumice, zeolite, and lava, while it has been factory enriched with a complex type of slow-release NPK fertilizer (15-9-9+3, 3g/L), which uninterrupted provides the plants with nutrients for period of up to 12 months.



Sub-Irrigation System with Wick


Σύστημα Αυτοποτισμού με Φυτίλι σε Στικ



The sub-irrigation system with a wick - either stick or simple - is applied to nursery grow pots and small plants. When the wick is supplied as a stick, it can be placed directly into the nursery grow pots, making repotting unnecessary. The nursery grow pot is then simply left in the selected Lechuza planter and the plant self-waters.

For plants whose roots are not enough developed, and do not reach the water tank, there is the solution of the Lechuza planters supplied with a simple wick. Through this, and thanks to the capillary action, the roots absorb the necessary water and nutrients, which are in the Lechuza-Pon planting substrate.



Σύστημα Αυτοποτισμού με Φυτίλι




Detailed Lechuza Planting & Watering Guide




Adaptation of the Planter to the Area


Προσαρμογή της Γλάστρας στον Χώρο


During the assembly phase, the red overflowscrew is screwed or removed, using a coin. The screwing is done if the pot is going to decorate interior spaces, and on the contrary, the removal is done when it is going to be placed outdoors.




Initial Planting Phase


Initial Planting Phase


The surface of the separator is completely covered with the supplied Lechuza-Pon planting medium.




Addition of Potting Soil


Addition of Potting Soil


A layer of high-quality potting soil mixture, suitable for each species of plant, is poured over the planting substrate.








The plant is placed in the planter, and the potting soil mixture is added.




Initial Watering


Initial Watering


From planting and for the next 3 months, the pot is watered normally, as usual, i.e. the water falls on the soil mixture.




Regular Self-Watering


Regular Self-Watering


Within the period of 3 months the roots of the plant have developed enough to be able to absorb the water of the tank of the planter. So water is poured into the pot from the feed spout, until the fill indicator reaches the "max" level. From then on, the plant itself will absorb water according to its needs.




"Dry" Phase


"Dry" Phase


When the water level in the fill indicator reaches "min", the so-called "dry" phase begins for the plants. Depending on the growth of the plants, for the small ones, the phase lasts about 1 week, and for the bigger ones it lasts almost 2 weeks. After each dry phase, refill the water reservoir to “max” via the water supply shaft.



Γλάστρες Lechuza σε Εσωτερικό Χώρο

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