Palms - Tropical plants are presented in this category of online store. The Palms - Tropical plants make up a large category of ornamental (but some also of agricultural interest in their areas of origin) plants and trees, which come mainly from the tropics. Many of them are well adapted to the subtropical climate zones, where they are utilized in public, professional and private spaces. They are planted in parks, squares, gardens, on islands and on sidewalks, as well as in coastal areas, but generally in areas where the winter is mild. The architectural form of many of them gives a special character to their installation environments, adding aesthetic value. From the Palm - Tropical plants presented here, the vast majority are easy to grow and do not have high maintenance requirements. However, for each of these Palm and Tropical shrubs and trees, separate information is provided on its development, care, use and durability. Also, all domestic plants come from selected and reputable producers, while those imported from reputable growers specialized in the production of distinctive hardy species and varieties.