Wooden Beach Cabin 226(H)x100x100cm

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Wooden Beach Cabin 226(H)x100x100cm | Kipogeorgiki
Views: 45848 Brand: Showood
Product Code: 10-401952
Availability: 4-10 Days
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Wooden Beach Cabin 226(H)x100x100cm


The Wooden Beach Cabin 226(H)x100x100cm is a practical, comfortable and extremely durable cabin, for the garden and the beach.



5 ( 5 / 5 )
Την έχουμε εδώ και τρία χρόνια σε beach bar και δεν έχει πάθει το παραμικρό . Φέτος πήραμε άλλη μια.
5 ( 5 / 5 )
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Tags: Outdoor Goods, Beach-Camping Equipment